Top Five search engine with their founders | 5 Most Popular Search Engines in the World

Top Five search engine with their founders | 5 Most Popular Search Engines in the World

Before knowing the top five search engines, we should know what are search engines. how does it help people in the world?

What is a Search Engine?

search engine is a web-based tool that is used by people to locate information on the internet world-wide-web. Some of the most popular: Google, Bing, Yahoo!, & Yandex.

Top Five Search Engine

The Search engine has now become an important part of our life. Whether we want to go somewhere or see the time when a shop is open before 6am in the morning. Looking for a market in the city. People are now relying more and more on search engines to find answers to their everyday questions.

At Digital Paal we monitor our search traffic using a variety of analytics. Those we’re interested in relating to the services of what we do e.g improving search ranking, web design, web development, and many more. 

As Much as we use all market routes, we still rely on search engines for web traffic.

Such: Google, Yahoo, Bing, Yandex & Baidu

Top 5 Most Popular Search Engines In The World.

1. Google
Google Search engine is the best to search engine in the world. It is one of Google's most popular products. 70% of People around the world use Google. and it is evolving even more day by day and is improving its algorithm. However, Google seems to be the largest search engine and after 2016 has become even more popular inside the whole world

2. Bing
The World's second-largest search engine is Bing. Bing covers about 2.44% of the Global Market Share. It was launched on 3 June 2009. It is available in about 40 languages. its founder is Microsoft.

3. Yahoo
It is the third-largest Search Engine in the world, about 1.64% of the Global Market Share. It started
in January 1994. It is produced by Jerry yang, David filo. its headquarters in Sunnyvale, California. Approximately $1.7 Billion in  Revenue.

4. Baidu
Baidu meaning (a hundred times) or (a hundred degrees) Baidu is a Chinese company that provides all services related to the Internet. Its headquarters in Beijing China. It was founded in January 2000. The people who make it are Robin Li and Eric Xu. 

5. Yandex
Yandex is a web search engine with its own honor Yandex. Three people who make it. first one Arkady Volozh, Arkady Borkovsky or Ilya Segalovich. Is started in about 2000 the Yandex was based on real-time queries, recognizing when a query requires the most current information, it was used in more than 1,400 cities

Now that you know a little more about the world's best and most popular search engines, is it time to call your online officers, ring among them, and dominate the search engine market based on overall search traffic? are and are used daily by most people in the world.

In Digital Paal we are always looking for the latest trends and such a future. if you are interested in improving your own ranking with a search engine optimization campaign then contact the Digital Paal team on 7011200336 or submit your details below.