Corona: 730 mt oxygen for Delhi for the first time, Kejriwal said - many lives will be saved

Corona: 730 mt oxygen for Delhi for the first time, Kejriwal said - many lives will be saved

 730 mt oxygen for Delhi for the first time

Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal himself said that for the first time 730 MT of oxygen has been sent to him by the Center. He has also thanked the government and the court for this.

730 mt oxygen for Delhi for the first time

Amidst the growing cases of corona in Delhi, there is tremendous politics regarding oxygen. The Delhi government and the Center have been reprimanded by the court on this one issue. Both have been accused of being negligent and not finding any solution in time. Now after the court rebuke, the oxygen quota of Delhi has also been increased and for the first time on Wednesday, 730 tonnes of oxygen has also been given.

Delhi gets 730 mt oxygen

Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal himself has told that for the first time 730 MT oxygen has been sent to him by the Center. He has also thanked the government and the court for this. But on behalf of the CM, it has also been emphasized that he needs more than 700 metric tons of oxygen daily for Delhi. This crisis cannot be overcome with just one day of getting so much oxygen. He has expressed hope that now more than 700 metric tons of oxygen will be made available to Delhi by the Center.

Kejriwal said - now many lives will be saved

It has also been told by Kejriwal that now all hospitals have been instructed to increase beds. According to him, because earlier hospitals did not have enough oxygen, in such a situation there could not be more beds increased. But now that Delhi has got oxygen as per demand, in such a situation, hospitals have also been instructed to increase beds. CM has expressed the hope that due to increased supply of oxygen, many lives will now be saved in Delhi and this corona crisis can be fought in an effective manner.

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Oxygen catastrophe in Delhi

For the information, let us know that the catastrophe of oxygen has been seen in Delhi. The government has raised this issue continuously, apart from this, all the major hospitals have also told that they are left with only a few hours of oxygen stock. Many patients have died in Delhi due to low oxygen.

The court has also expressed its displeasure over this and has ordered the Center to give oxygen to Delhi immediately. Now the effect of that rebuke has started appearing on the ground. Delhi has been supplied with oxygen according to its demand. In such a situation, how long this deteriorated situation is brought under control, it is going to be watched by everyone.

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Corona cases are decreasing in Delhi

Talking about the corona meter of Delhi, 20960 new cases have been registered in the state in 24 hours, while 311 people have lost their lives. In the state, the cases have been decreasing for the past few days, the infection rate has also come down to 30 percent, but the death figures are still frightening. More than 300 people are dying in Delhi continuously. Now Corona is not only being held responsible for the increasing death, but the failing health services are also being blown off.