what is yoga? - 39 benefits, rules and types of yoga

what is yoga? - 39 benefits, rules and types of yoga

If you are physically and mentally healthy, then believe that you are living a wonderful life. However, whoever you ask, he gives some trouble or the other. Some are physically ill, some are leading a stressful life. Yoga is the only way to avoid this situation. Of course, some of you will find it difficult to believe this, but now many scientific kinds of research have confirmed that yoga is a good option for better health. Believe that yoga will be for everyone and every disease will be treated only by yoga. In this article, we will give all the information about yoga together, which you want to know about.

Let us first know what is yoga.

What is Yoga?

To know what yoga is, we have to go to its core. The word yoga is derived from the Sanskrit word 'yuj', which means to join. There are basically two meanings of yoga, first - joining and second - samadhi. Unless we are able to connect with ourselves, it is difficult to attain the level of Samadhi. It is not just exercise, but physical activity based on science. It is the union of mind, body and soul. At the same time, harmony is established between man and nature. It is a way to live life properly. Sri Krishna has also said in the Gita that Yoga: Karmasu Kaushalam means skill in actions.

To understand this, we have to know the statements of eminent philosophers, sages and yogis. Who has defined Yoga in their own way?

It is wrong to bind yoga in the realm of religion, faith and superstition. Yoga is the science, the art of living life. Also, it is a complete medical system. Where Dharma binds us with pegs, Yoga is the path of liberation from all kinds of bondages. - Osho

When you learn to hold the whole body properly, you can feel the energy of the whole universe inside you. That is yoga. - Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev

Chittavritnirodha: That is, yoga is to stop the tendencies of the mind from becoming fickle. Simply put, yoga is not to let the mind wander and keep it stable in one place. – Patanjali

After knowing the definition of yoga, we know further why it is necessary to do yoga.

Benefits of Yoga

Yoga benefits you by working on three levels. In this sense, doing yoga is right for everyone.

In the first phase, it works to make the human health and fill it with energy.

In the second phase, it affects the mind and thoughts. It is our negative thoughts, which put us in stress, anxiety or mental disorder. Yoga helps us to get out of this chakra.

By reaching the third and most important stage of yoga, one becomes free from worries. To reach this final stage of yoga requires hard work. Thus the benefits of yoga are found at different levels.

Come, now know how yoga keeps us healthy.

Blood flow: When there is better circulation of blood in the body, then all the organs work in a better way. In addition, the body temperature is also controlled. As soon as the blood flow becomes unbalanced, the body starts falling prey to many diseases, such as - heart-related diseases, bad liver, brain not working properly etc. In such a situation, by doing yoga, there is a good flow of blood. This provides enough oxygen and nutrients to all the organs

Balanced Blood Pressure: Many people are struggling with the problem of blood pressure due to the wrong lifestyle. If you also have any problem related to blood pressure, then start doing yoga today under the supervision of a yoga instructor. The importance of yoga is also because by doing pranayama, the body gets enough energy and the functioning of the nerves is better. Also, the heart rate is normal.

Better Respiratory System: Any disorder in the respiratory system is enough to make us sick. In such a situation, yoga tells us what is the importance of breath in life, because every yoga asana is based on breath. When you do yoga, the lungs start working at full capacity, which makes breathing easier.

Relief from Indigestion: The benefits of yoga include getting rid of gas. Anyone can have a gas problem. This includes children, old people, women and men. This problem mainly occurs due to the improper functioning of the digestive system. Yoga is the best way to cure this. Yoga improves the digestive system, which can eliminate problems like constipation, gas and acidity from the root.

Pain tolerance: Pain can occur anywhere and at any time in the body. Especially, joint pain becomes difficult to bear. At the same time, when you do yoga, in the beginning, the physical ability to bear this pain starts increasing. Also, after regular practice, this pain starts decreasing.

Immunity: To fight diseases, it is necessary to have good immunity. Due to the weakening of the immune system, the body becomes easily a victim of various diseases. Whether you are healthy or not, doing yoga in both situations will prove to be a profitable deal. Yoga improves the immune system.

New energy: It is necessary to maintain energy in the body to live and work in a positive way. Yoga helps you in this. By doing yoga, exhaustion is removed and the body is filled with new energy.

Better Metabolism: The metabolism process is essential for our body. Through this process, the body gets energy through food, so that we are able to do our day's work. When the digestive system, liver and kidneys work well, metabolism also works properly. The benefit of yoga in this state is because metabolism can be improved by curing indigestion and constipation through yoga.

Sleep: After working all day, it is important to have a good night's sleep. This helps the body get ready to work again the next day. Not getting enough sleep leads to restlessness, headache, burning eyes and tension throughout the day. There is no smile on the face either. At the same time, if you do regular yoga, the mind becomes calm and gets rid of stress, which helps in sleeping well at night.

Balanced Cholesterol: As we mentioned earlier, doing yoga improves blood flow in the body. Due to this, blood clots do not form in the veins and excess fat is also cleared. This is why cholesterol can be controlled. Yoga increases HDL ie good cholesterol, while eliminates LDL ie bad cholesterol. Along with this, it is also important to take a balanced diet.

Controls Sodium: Many times we eat fried or junk food outside. Such foods are high in sodium. An increase in the amount of sodium in the body can lead to heart disease or kidney disease. To avoid this, first of all, you should stop this kind of food completely. Also, do yoga regularly. Yoga has the ability to balance the amount of sodium.

Reduced Triglycerides: Triglycerides are a type of fat found in our blood, which can cause heart disease and stroke. To reduce this, it is necessary to do regular yoga. By doing yoga, the heart rate increases slightly, due to which conditions like triglycerides can be avoided.

Increase in red blood cells: Red blood cells play an important role in our body. They carry oxygen from the lungs to every organ. A lack of red blood cells can lead to anaemia. With increasing yoga, its quantity in the body starts increasing.

Heart Disease Prevention: The heart is a delicate part of our body. The wrong diet, unbalanced routine and stress have a direct effect on your heart. Later on, many diseases related to the heart occur. Yoga is the best way to avoid this. The heart remains strong with regular yoga and healthy eating. When you do yoga to keep the heart healthy, then you will easily understand the importance of yoga.

Asthma: In asthma, the windpipe narrows, making it difficult to breathe. We suffocate even in the slightest dust and dirt. If you do yoga in this position, your lungs get stressed and they work with more capacity.

Arthritis: Arthritis is the inflammation and pain in the joints. In this condition, it becomes difficult to do everyday tasks. In such a situation, doing yoga can be beneficial for you. By doing yoga under the supervision of a qualified yoga instructor, the swelling and pain in the joints starts reducing and starts working slowly.

Cancer: It is difficult to say whether or not cancer can be completely cured by doing yoga. Yes, it can definitely be said that yoga it helps in recovering from diseases like cancer. By doing yoga, the toxic bacteria present in the cancer patient can be eliminated. Along with this, there is less strain in the muscles, better blood circulation and less stress and fatigue. Apart from this, problems like nausea and vomiting that occur during chemotherapy can also be dealt with.

Migraine: If a migraine patient does yoga, then he can get relief from headache. Yoga reduces the tension in the muscles and oxygen reaches the head in sufficient quantity, which provides relief in migraine.

Bronchitis: The air passage between the mouth, nose and lungs is called the windpipe. When it becomes inflamed, it becomes difficult to breathe. In medical language, this condition is called bronchitis. Yoga helps you to breathe by removing this swelling. Oxygen is supplied in sufficient quantity from the lungs through yoga. Along with this, new energy is transmitted in the lungs.

Constipation: This is such a disease, which causes the occurrence of other diseases. Constipation occurs when there is a problem in the digestive system. Yoga is better than medicines to cure it. Constipation can be eliminated from the root through yoga. Yoga will, first of all, heal the digestive system, which will automatically cure constipation and you will feel refreshed.

Infertility and Menopause: If one wants to improve fertility, then yoga asanas have been described for this also. The problem of low sperm count, any sexual problem, any blockage in the fallopian tubes or PCOD problem can be cured through yoga. Apart from this, negative symptoms seen before and during menopause can also be cured through yoga.

Sinus and other allergies: Due to sinus, the muscles around the nose become swollen. This makes breathing difficult. For this problem too, yoga is better in every respect. By doing breathing yoga i.e. pranayama in the sinuses, the blockage in the tubes of the nose and throat is removed and breathing becomes easier. Apart from this, other types of allergies can also be cured with yoga.

Back Pain: Nowadays, most of our work is done sitting. Because of this, someone complains of lower back pain. If you do yoga under the supervision of a qualified trainer, then there is flexibility in the spine, from which any kind of pain can be removed.

Keep reading this article to know other health benefits.


External health benefits of yoga

Decreasing the effect of ageing: The effect of aging starts appearing on the face of some people before time. At the same time, if you do yoga, then premature wrinkles on the face can be reduced. Through yoga, the toxins and bacteria accumulated in the body are cleared and free radicals are also eliminated. Even due to stress, the effect of premature aging is visible, but yoga can also save from this condition.

Increase of physical capacity: The posture of the body deteriorates due to wrong way of getting up, sitting and walking. Due to this, pain, muscle disorders and bones start becoming weak at various places in the body. Yoga is the right way to avoid these problems. Doing yoga regularly strengthens bones and muscles, improves body shape and improves physical ability.

Balanced Weight: These days everyone is a victim of obesity. The reason for this is wrong diet and routine. First of all our stomach gets upset. Poor digestion is the root of every disease. Yoga is the easiest and best way to deal with this. If you do yoga regularly, then problems like constipation and acidity are removed and the digestive system is better. Due to this, the weight starts decreasing gradually.

Shapely body: Yogasana balances the body from head to toe and also makes you strong mentally and spiritually. The body becomes shapely only when all these work properly.

Increasing the capacity of the core: The main meaning of the core is said to be a group of important muscles of the body. The core needs to be strong for the body to function properly. The entire weight of the body rests on the core itself. They save you from getting hurt. Doing yoga strengthens the core, brings flexibility and stays healthy.

Improve muscle mass: By doing yoga, muscle activity improves. They are strong and have flexibility.

Increase in endurance: As it has been written many times in this article that yoga not only makes you physically strong, but also makes you mentally strong. It is needed in everyday work. It is important for the players to be mentally strong especially. The more tolerant he is, the more his performance shows improvement. At the same time, every person is able to take the right decision in adverse situations.

Emotional Health Benefits of Yoga

Good Mood: To move ahead and achieve success in life, it is necessary for your nature to be good and positive. Yoga helps you in this work. Believe me, when you do yoga, you are completely filled with positive energy from the inside. This gives you a good mood and keeps you engaged in work throughout the day.

Reduce stress: Stress is harmful to everyone. For a person who is under stress, it becomes difficult to lead a normal life. Yoga is the only way out of stress. When you do yoga, you will be filled with new energy. It is natural for this to reduce stress.

Get rid of worry: It is said that worry is the mother of a pyre. The one who is immersed in worry is sure to go under stress. Anxiety can lead to heart diseases. If you are too immersed in worry, then start taking the help of yoga from today itself. With yoga, not only will you be able to overcome all kinds of mental disorders and negative thinking, but also the ability to live life again and face all the dilemmas that will arise. The disturbed mind is calm and one gets the pleasure of supreme bliss.

Coping with pressure: Many times office and household work become so much that one can come under mental pressure. This often happens with women. At this stage, it becomes difficult for them to maintain a balance between different tasks. Yoga is the only best way to avoid this. Yoga gives you the power to come out of all kinds of situations and pressures. You will feel happy from the inside.

Decision making ability: Yoga makes you mentally strong enough that you are able to take important decisions related to life. Also, how to keep oneself balanced in the opposite situation.

Concentration: By doing yoga regularly, you become so capable that you start working with concentration to achieve your goal. During this, all the obstacles that come in the way can also be easily overcome. Anyway, it is said that the key to success is concentration on work.

Good memory: Through yoga, the functioning of the brain is also affected. Especially, it is very important for the students. It is important to keep calm and improve your mind during the exam, so that whatever they are studying, they remember them well.

Look at the specifics: Often you will go to such a program in school, college or office, in which a subject is explained in detail and it is also important for you. In such an environment, it usually happens that you remain active for some time, but gradually your attention shifts to some other side. In this way, you are not able to pay attention to the important things, but the person doing yoga remains active all the time. He takes care of even the smallest details.

Positive thoughts in life: Doing yoga is always energetic. He has a positive outlook on life. He likes to live life with new energy and enthusiasm every day. He follows the same principle 'be happy and keep others happy' throughout his life.

After knowing so many benefits of yoga, now we also know how many types of yoga are there.

Types of yoga

Although, it is difficult to say exactly how many types of yoga are there, but here we are telling about the commonly discussed types:


1. Raja Yoga: Samadhi, the last stage of Yoga, is called Raja Yoga. It is considered as the king of all yogas, because it has some or the other specialty of all types of yogas. It involves taking some time out of everyday life to introspect. This is a practice that everyone can do. Maharishi Patanjali has named it Ashtanga Yoga and has mentioned it in detail in the Yoga Sutras. He has given eight types of it, which are as follows:

Yama (swearing)

rules (self-discipline)

posture (posture)

Pranayama (breath control)

Pratyahara (control of the senses)

perception (concentration)


Samadhi (liberation from bondage or union with God)

2. Jnana Yoga: Jnana Yoga is considered the path of wisdom. It is a source of knowledge and introduction to oneself. Through this the darkness of the mind i.e. ignorance is removed. It is said that the purification of the soul takes place only through yoga of knowledge. The attainment of pure form while contemplating is called Jnana Yoga. Along with this, the intellect is developed by studying the texts of yoga. Jnana Yoga is considered the most difficult. In the end, all that can be said is that by discovering the immense possibilities lost in oneself, one has to merge in Brahman, which is called Jnana Yoga.

3. Karma Yoga: We understand Karma Yoga through this verse. Yoga karmo kishalayam means to be absorbed in action. Sri Krishna has also said in the Gita, 'Yoga: Karmasu Kaushalam', that is, to work efficiently is yoga. The principle of Karma Yoga is that everything we experience in the present is based on our past actions. Through Karma Yoga, man goes on doing worldly work without getting trapped in any illusion and illusion and finally gets absorbed in the Supreme Lord. This yoga is considered most suitable for householders.

4. Bhakti Yoga: Bhakti means divine love and yoga means union. Love, devotion and loyalty towards God, creation, creatures, animals and birds etc. have been considered as Bhakti Yoga. Bhakti yoga can be done by any age, religion, nation, poor and rich person. Everyone worships one or the other as their God, just that worship is called Bhakti Yoga. This devotion is done selflessly, so that we can achieve our objective safely.

5. Hatha Yoga: This is an ancient Indian spiritual practice. Ha in hatha means Hakar i.e. right nostril vowel, which is performed by Pingala Nadi. At the same time, the meaning of th is thakar i.e. left nostril tone, which is called ida nadi, while yoga works to connect the two. Through hatha yoga, an attempt is made to maintain a balance between these two nadis. It is believed that in ancient times sages and sages used to practice hatha yoga. These days the practice of hatha yoga has increased a lot. By doing this you can be physically healthy and you get peace of mind.

6. Kundalini/Laya Yoga: According to yoga, there are seven chakras in the human body. When the Kundalini is awakened through meditation, the energy is awakened and travels to the brain. During this, she activates all the seven chakras. This process itself is called Kundalini/Laya Yoga. In this, a person frees himself from the external bonds and tries to hear the words that are born within, which is called Naad. This type of practice eliminates the restlessness of the mind and increases concentration.

After knowing the types of yoga, now we will talk about the rules to be followed while doing yoga.

Rules of yoga

It is important to follow some rules before and while doing yoga, which we are talking about below:

• According to the rules, yoga should be done before sunrise and after sunset. It is more beneficial to do yoga early in the morning.

• It is necessary to do a light warm-up before yoga, so that the body opens up.

• Yoga should always be started with Tadasana.

• Yogasana should be done in the morning on an empty stomach.

• Those who are doing yoga for the first time, they should do light yoga asanas in the beginning and do it only under the supervision of a yoga instructor. Then as you get used to them, keep increasing your level.

• If you are doing yoga in the evening, then do it only after three to four hours of having a meal. Also, eat something only after half an hour of doing yoga.

• One should not take a bath immediately after doing yoga, but should wait for some time.

• Always do yoga by wearing comfortable clothes.

• The place where you are doing yoga should be clean and quiet.

• Try to remove negative thoughts from your mind while doing yoga.

• The most The important rule of yoga is to do it patiently and do not put too much emphasis in any asana. Do it according to your ability.

• All yoga sanas depend on inhalation and exhalation, which is necessary to have complete knowledge. If possible, first learn about it, only then do it by yourself.

• If you are sick or pregnant, do this only after consulting your doctor. Also do it under the supervision of a qualified yoga instructor.

• Always do Shavasana at the end of Yogasan. This calms down the body and mind completely. Yoga is fully beneficial only after doing Shavasana.

• Do not drink cold water during yoga, because the body is hot while doing yoga. Therefore, instead of cold water, drink normal or lukewarm water only.

Essentials for yoga

These things are most needed during yoga practice:

• Neat and a comfortable yoga mat.

• Comfortable clothes, in which you do not have trouble doing yoga.

• According to the need, you can also keep a towel with you, so that you can wipe when sweating.

• Clear water bottle.

• Whether you are a man or a woman, if you have long hair, tie it so that you do not face any problem while doing yoga.

• Some people may have difficulty while doing yoga in the beginning, then they can use yoga blocks and belts. You should ask your trainer once before using it.

• The most important thing is that the room in which you do yoga should be clean and quiet.

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